Friday, August 27, 2010

The Final Stretch

Galley edits have been my life. It's wonderful when you can read through your own manuscript and find yourself sitting on the edge of your chair in total anxiety over what's going to happen next. That's the good stuff (not to toot my own horn).

What I've had to come to grips with, however, is that there is probably a word (or two or three) that I've missed - as heinous as this sounds, I know. Yet the fact remains: I may (must we speak in whispers now) have missed a typo. Aiiieeek!

Okay, so when you're editing a 300,000+ word manuscript, and you know so many of the lines by heart, it's really easy to miss stupid typos like, "He told not him to go," instead of "He told him not to go." It just is. As much as I've looked down my own nose at typos missed in other books, I've since come to the realization that it is a lot of words to get 100% right.

So I've done my best, and now the good news is that the book is over to final production. I've signed my soul away here and sent it off with the final okay - and the cost to see it in print may be a typo or two.

Best tea for Galley editing: Rooibos Caramel Creme with Mate Vana (and lots of cream!)

1 comment:

  1. When my grandfather used to run The Oregonian newspaper, people would write in telling him about misspelled words in yesterday's paper. He would write back and say, "But look how many they got right!"
