Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Find us on Amazon!

'With great power comes great responsibility...' so sayeth Peter Parker's Uncle Ben. Translated into the world of self-publishing, this reads: with great [publishing] power comes great [marketing] responsibility.

Cephrael's Hand launched into online retailers in October 2010. Now that the initial clamor has softened to a steady murmur, this intrepid author must embark upon the daunting task of marketing a book with limited marketing channels [read this to mean a lot of Facebook posts].

I've being researching how to market your self-published novel. There are boundless opportunities, especially with social media today, but lest the thrill of opportunity carry us away, never forget that 'boundless' also equates to spending every waking moment pursuing those opportunities.

I've been recently looking into how to get my novel into more bookstores, and I found an interesting article by Joel Eisenberg discussing this topic. I suppose getting a page on Facebook for the novel would also be a good start.

Best tea for contemplating your book on the shelf in Barnes and Noble: Teavana White Ayurvedic Chai/Samurai Chai Mate blend.